Saturday, February 26, 2005

i'll take a risk, take a chance, make a change

I'm still in disbelief right now. Is it a date? I don't know. Here's the transcript from our little chat, from where the whole thing started:

...EddieC497: so how come your single?!
SunZip: well...i wasn't for this past month until this week...i think the guy i've been dating doesn't want to see me anymore because he won't return my calls
EddieC497: well thats not good..why would he just stop talking to you?
SunZip: i have no was so sudden because things seemed to be going really well
EddieC497: hmm...thats strange..unless he found someone else or didnt like something you did?! who knows!?!?!
EddieC497: but i would love to hang out with you sometime if thats something you wouldnt mind
SunZip: yeah sure
EddieC497: when might you have some time? dont want to intefere with the school work ya know!
SunZip: well, unfortunately this week i'm swamped with school, so i'd have to be after spring break or later that week
EddieC497: yea i totally understand...i am going to atlanta march 3-14.....can you do like dinner sometime this coming up week?
SunZip: yeah i could do that
SunZip: tuesday would probably be best for me
EddieC497: thats sounds great...where do you like to go down here...since youve ate everywhere!?
...SunZip: well, it's been good talking to you today...i'm gonna go start something for dinner
EddieC497: yea same here hun, if i dont see you on later, i might just have to try and give you a call
SunZip: to ya later...bye!
EddieC497: bye hun

So, what do you think? I mean, I'm perfectly fine with it not being a date. That's probably what I'd prefer until I actually meet this guy in person. I feel like I'm going on a blind date. I guess I kinda am in a way. I will definitely tell one of my friends exactly where I am going and everything, just in case. I didn't put this part up there, but I will be meeting him at his place and he will drive us to Chili's (which is where we're going). Just in case that makes the situation any more clear, or it might make it even harder to determine (I'm making no sense right now). And he might call me later, too. Yeah, he got my number. He gave me his, too. Kinda nervous about that. I'm pretty guarded about giving my number out...I've done it before very hesitantly and regretted that I'd given it out. But I didn't really hesitate tonight. Don't know why. But I guess it's a good thing--at least I'll be getting out. And maybe I'll make a new friend out of it. I've never really had any guy friends. [My stupid neighbors are setting off fireworks behind my house...very annoying] So I'll try and turn this into something positive. It's what I need to be doing, isn't it? Putting myself out there? (With complete strangers I meet online???!!!)

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