Wednesday, August 03, 2005

Take a photograph and laugh at me

I'm glad it started getting cloudy and rainy today. Not that I'm in a bad mood whatsoever, but I just didn't feel like sleeping through a beautiful sunny day again. Even though it'd be stifiling hot outside. Which is another good thing about it being cloudy--it keeps the temperature down. So that's basically what I've done today-- sleep. Recovering from a long night. I must say, I have a new perspective. I have a greater appreciation for everyone that has taken care of me when I've been really, really drunk. And that mainly means Ania. Wow. It is not fun at all, and really ruins your night. But it's something that I would have done, no matter what, because I know I'd have wanted the same thing. That's what friends are for. And everyone has those kind of nights where they drink way too much and lose control of themselves and basically pass out. I know I've definitely had one like Meredith experienced last night. And maybe a few more that haven't come quite as close, but close enough. Blake and Anna were so nice...they're like, Saturday night, we're picking you up so you won't have any worries. Which is sweet, but it's not like I go home anyways...I drive my car to his apartment complex and stay at his place. I said it wasn't necessary because then how would I get home the next day? I can't call my sister because she'd complain to me for that exact reason--why didn't you have your car? But the gesture is sweet anyways. They felt so sorry for me last night. But I don't think it would have been that fun of a night, anyways, for some reason. I was barely affected at all by what I had drank--an amount that normally would have definitely had an effect on me. Baja's just isn't that much fun--there's only been one time that I've actually had fun there. But it's okay. I've got Saturday to look forward to. And Friday...but no drinking that night. It'll be a movie night with the girls.

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