Wednesday, June 28, 2006

I remember when you came with me that night

Why is it that we always seem to want the one who doesn't want us back? I wasn't exactly surprised with they way he felt, but I guess I didn't want to believe that it was actually true. Actions speak louder than words, and his actions were clearly speaking "not interested." I just thought that maybe, just maybe, his feelings had changed. But they haven't, and they won't. I don't like it, but I accept it. It's not worth the time and energy to try and convince him otherwise. Not when there is someone out there who actually is worth the effort, and you won't have to try like you do because they will actually want to be with you. There are so many guys right now. I'm bound to find someone who wants to be with me like I want to be with them. Except he's still there, in the back of my mind, in my heart. But I will let go, he will fade away.

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