Saturday, December 17, 2005

something about your lips, something about your kiss...

Today was a lazy day. It's been raining nonstop. And it's freezing outside. So, it was a perfect opportunity to do nothing but lay in bed all afternoon and watch tv. But I did have a very good workout. And I went out to dinner with my mom and brother. So I technically didn't do nothing. I looked sooo good tonight. So of course I used it as another opportunity to take a million pictures of myself. But hey, they're for facebook, lol...I am so OBSESSED with taking pictures...of myself. Yes, it sounds really conceited. Maybe it is. But I don't care. It's fun. And I like to see what I look like. And tonight I didn't really care if I didn't go out because of the nasty weather. But I kinda wish I had...

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