Friday, October 06, 2006

This is not right

I just came across one of the most disturbing things I've seen in a long time. I've become obsessed with quote/icon/survey sites on xanga since I've been working, spending countless numbers of hours on the computer goofing off. Anyways, I was looking at who's been visiting my site, and clicked on one of the most recent hits. Well, it took me to this site of some girl who was obsessed with losing weight and being thin. And I mean obsessed. I couldn't believe what I was reading. It was this log of how it says how much she ate, how much she's going to work out, how many calories her goal of not eating that day was, etc., along with pictures of thin young actresses and models. And all the groups she belongs to are "anorexic teens," "i don't eat," etc., and along those lines. Her goal recently was to be down to 90lbs by the weekend. And I thought I was scaring myself with how I've been lately...I just can't believe there are sites like this. I was too disturbed to read the comments she got and look through her subscriber sites. It's just so incredibly sad. And the scariest thing is it looks like there are a lot more of her type out there, displaying for the world how they're starving themselves. Are these sites a joke? Are these girls crying out for help? I don't know, but it's disturbing to say the least.

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