Thursday, December 28, 2006

Won't you do this for me now?

I'm scared. And I know I shouldn't be. I really have no reason at all to be at this point. But I feel like it is all going to end before it ever really got a chance to start. I hate feeling like this--so insecure. He likes me. He tells me he likes me. He wants to see me. And he plans on seeing me when he gets back. He calls me and wants to talk to me. He thinks about me, and lets me know that he does. So why is it so hard for me to just let myself trust him? I want to. And I do, well, sort of. I feel like all the guys in the past are really affecting me when it comes to him. I actually have someone that likes me, and I like him back. But I'm terrified. Absolutely terrified that he's going to suddenly change his mind, suddenly going to just stop talking to me, like everyone else. But I know he's not like everyone else. I want to believe that. But I'm so hesitant at this point. Maybe a major part of this is because we just got started and then the break came. I probably wouldn't be feeling so insecure had we not had to be separated like this. I mean, he's made it clear that he likes me and that he plans to pick up right where we left off when he gets back. And just last week, he asked me if I talked to other guys when I went out. We're not seeing other people. But I still feel like he's going to leave me, and it's a horrible feeling to have. One that I'm sure is completely unwarranted. I sometimes think that it's just too good to be true. Especially for me. Like, there's no way he actually wants to keep talking to me or see me again. I guess that has more to do with my own insecurities than anything else. I don't believe in myself enough to think that someone else could. I haven't heard from him in a couple of days. It's not a big deal, except I need to know if he still wants me to come down for New Year's Eve. I sent him a text message yesterday asking him that, since I couldn't get in touch with him by phone, and I didn't want to call him a million times. That's another thing about him--he wants me to call him anytime I want. I was so worried about that, whether or not I should call because I didn't know if it'd be too much or I'd call him one too many times and turn him off, or look like I was coming on too strong. So that eased that worry when he said it was ok to call him as much as I wanted. But still, I don't want to be blowing up his phone! I really hope he calls me today, because I don't want to have to call him. Again. And look like I'm being annoying because I need an answer. I hate waiting for phone calls. Once again, my phone is attached to me, and I find myself waiting...

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