Tuesday, December 18, 2007

He's the song in the car I keep singing

He's never looked at me the way he did the other night. He couldn't stop smiling--or staring--at me. I had no idea what to think. I was on guard, holding my ground because this was so out-of-the-blue. He kept talking about how he always thought of calling me, but was afraid to because he thought I'd hang up or barely say anything to him. He asked me about my 'love life,' to which he responded he didn't have a girlfriend, thanks for asking. I was doing my usual not saying much, giving him this look that I always give him that he can't decipher (according to him). We ended up hanging out that night, and when we went to pick up some more to drink, he wanted to just sit in the car with me, spend time with me. He asked me what my favorite flower was, as well as my favorite restaurant. Said maybe we'd go there sometime. I was still as skeptical as can be, because I didn't know what his intentions were and if he was just talking like that because he had been drinking. He ended up being the second guy that night to ask me why I was single. Seriously, you fucking tell me! Anyways, won't get into that right now. So, we end up going out that night, where it became clear that he was just so completely into me. And we proceeded to have such a fun and amazing time together. He just made me feel so amazing about myself. And we had some serious cuddling the next morning and he said he could just lay there like that all day. But now, the high for me is wearing off, and I'm starting to start thinking rationally. And overanalyzing things. I think I want to start back up again with him--that is, if he wants that too. I mentioned if he was going to call me sometime that next morning when he was taking me home. He said he would, and I made it clear that it was ok to and that I'd answer. So, now it's up to him. I really, really want him to call me. And not just when he gets back in town. I hate this stupid break!! This is what happened last year, and it screwed us up, because he came back less enthusiastic about me. And I can't help but think how stupid it is to think that he's actually gonna call and that it will be any different from before, in terms of what he wants. Because, it's probably not true, and there's no sense in hoping that he will call or even care to talk to me. Having hope just isn't worth it anymore. Because I'm always disappointed.

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