Thursday, October 09, 2008

Put on your bright lights, we're in the city of wonder

I don't know where my motivation has gone. I've definitely lost it. And I desperately want--no need--it back. It's become easier to just do nothing rather than something. But I want to do something. And I try, but I end up doing nothing. So is the pattern day after day. It's really terrible at night when I come home. I go to work, go to the gym, then home. I have intentions of being productive, but I never seem to get around to actually accomplishing anything. Cooking takes up at least a half hour--and you can't even really call it "cooking." More like preparing dinner. But nevertheless, it's past 8 o'clock before I know it. And not to mention my cat Chloe. I love her to death, but she wants ALL of my attention when I get home. I can't blame her; she's home all day by herself, bored. But it definitely makes it difficult to do other things when she's constantly crying and begging for me to play with her. And before I know it again, it's time for bed. Repeat sequence the following day.

I'm stuck in a rut that I just can't seem to find my way out of. Yet.

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