Tuesday, September 19, 2006

And as for now I'm gonna sit around and hear the saddest songs

I guess you could say I'm just disappointed. Not upset, but a little sad. I didn't get wrapped up in him like other guys in the past, but yet I always wondered if this could be something more. But apparently it was just one week of fun, once again. When am I going to find a guy who wants to be with me for more than a fucking week? When?? Please tell me! I am so sick of it! Seriously, where do I find these guys, and why are they always attracted to me? Or, better yet, why am I attracted to them???? I just feel a little stupid for falling for it again. I guess I like the attention that I get. I probably blew it by calling him a million times (ok, like 4 or 5) on Saturday night, which I don't remember because I was wasted out of my mind and blacked out. That might have had something to do with it. So I didn't try talking to him on Sunday. I decided if he was still interested, he can try and talk to me. But what do I do yesterday? Well, he poked me back on facebook, which I thought had stopped, along with his interest. So when I see that I just smile and am like, ok, maybe he still wants to talk to me. So I poke back. When I get home from work, I see that he's on AIM. After much debate, I decided to say hi. He never writes back. He could have not been by his computer, but he never said anything all night. So don't really know what that means. He could have been ignoring me and not wanted to talk to me. Or he simply might just not have seen it or been at the computer. Whatever the case, I guess I will find out at some point if he still wants to talk to me. But in the meantime, I'm not bothering trying to talk to him anymore. I'm not an idiot. I thought something might have been wrong on Friday night. And it definitely seemed like that until he came home with me at the end of the night. You'd think I'd learn...

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