Thursday, May 18, 2006

Make a wish, take a chance, make a change...and breakaway

It's official: I am in love with Washington, D.C. I just absolutely love the city. And I really haven't seen that much. But I can just feel it when I'm standing on the sidewalk, with the massive buildings rising before me, and the landmarks that are around every turn. Just today, after my interview, I was walking around, and it was so cool to call home and say when my mom asked me what I was doing, "just standing in front of the White House." And imagine, that's what it could be like everyday. Now, if I can just make a decision on a job to get me up here....I finally know what I want to do at this point in my life--and that's to work in politics, like up on the Hill, or in a lobbying/special interest organization. That's what I'll be happiest doing. And I'm trying to make it happen. I am so proud of myself, because after I came to my realization yesterday morning, I'm the one who initiated the moves from there. I'm still getting help, but it was my idea. And it's really all about who you know in this town--networking is key. So we'll see...

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