Monday, May 01, 2006

you see yourself in the mirror and you feel safe cuz it looks familiar

Maybe things won't be like they were last time. Maybe I was just freaking out about nothing again. I tend to do that. It was a huge relief to get his text message today, because all day I was thinking the worst. The worst being I wouldn't hear from him again, that he really didn't care, that it was meaningless to him. That he didn't want me. Still, I can't jump the gun, because I don't know what's going to happen. He may have texted other people. But he was thinking of me at the least. I take it as a good sign, a first step. He would always ask Ania how I was doing or what I was up to. He finally asked me himself. It wasn't a call, no, but it's a small but very big step that just may mean he's serious about wanted to hang out with me this time. Because I made it clear that it was not meaningless, that I thought much more of that night than that little problem and that I hoped he actually wanted to hang out for real this time like he said he did. Because I know it's a big deal to him. And I hope he realizes it was a big deal for me, too. Maybe he's finally going to let go of whatever has been holding him back and stop being so afraid.

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