Friday, January 05, 2007

I'm sorry I have to say it but it looks like you're sad

I feel like I've been here a million times before. That's because I have. He's suddenly disappeared on me. Out of complete no where. Something's up with him. After we've been talking/texting almost every day since he's been gone, it's definitely unusual for him to not call me or to not call me back. I'm freaking out about it, and it's really upsetting and worrying me. I don't know what's going on. I don't understand how this could be happening to me--AGAIN. Part of me wants to believe that maybe something's wrong with his phone, or he's just busy and hasn't had a chance to call back. But the realist in me knows what's really going on--it's over. I feel so stupid for ever believing anything that he said, especially that he wanted to continue after the break. I was so hesitant, so reluctant to open up to him for fear of getting hurt again. I was more cautious than I have ever been with any guy to try to avoid this exact situation I find myself facing. Maybe I'm overreacting to nothing. Maybe nothing has changed about the way he feels about me, and I'm being super-paranoid. But I don't know. I really just don't know how else to feel. Had I not been at this point so many times before, maybe I wouldn't feel so scared. But the fact is, the past is affecting how I'm feeling right now, and I can't help it. All I can see is a guy leaving again.

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