Sunday, August 27, 2006

Baby don't be gentle, I can handle anything...

Ok, so maybe I overreacted last night (surprise!). The truth is, I don't regret not going to grad school. At least I don't think I do. It's never what I wanted to do in the first place. What I'm doing now is a really great opportunity for me, and I know it will pay off in the future. Plus, it's pretty nice making my own money. And I can continue to go out on the weekdays like I've been doing. Maybe not every week, or 3 or 4 times a week. But I can still do it. And my weekend didn't completely suck. It was nothing exciting, but I got a lot of things done that I needed to do. So that's not a bad thing. And now I'm all rested and ready to go out this week and have fun. I just wish I didn't have to get up so early in the mornings!!

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