Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Don't let the bullshit rock your world

This is going to be the absolute longest day ever! There's no one here in the office today, and I have nothing to do! And I still have 6 1/2 hours to go :( I still can't get used to this. But I guess eventually I will...I did it again this weekend. Something I probably shouldn't have done, but it was the heat of the moment and I really didn't care. And now, all I think about is him. It's going to be another one that I just can't have. There's definitely an attraction, but the thing is, I don't know what he wants. And most likely, he doesn't want anything more than what it was. Not that it wasn't good. Or fun. But, he is a guy. And in his last year of college. Hell, it doesn't matter what year they're in. They're all the same. They never want anything else, unless it's with someone else. I'm not starting to throw a pity party or anything, but I've come to the realization that guys just don't want a relationship with me. Why? It's beats the hell out of me. And I've accepted the fact about what I do. I don't have to, but I certainly apparently want to. And unless I start hating myself, then I probably won't stop. But I should definitely slow down....I just want to talk to him so bad!!!

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