Friday, January 25, 2008

I'll get over you

I'm not going to do this to myself. I'm not going to bash myself and try to figure out what I did wrong. I didn't do ANYTHING wrong. It's his problem if he doesn't want to be with an incredible girl. It's ALL their problem. They don't realize how lucky they are, because I make one hell of a girlfriend, lover, friend, etc. And when I come across a guy who realizes how truly fucking wonderful I am, he will be the LUCKIEST GUY in the world. I started making a list of the reasons why he's not the guy for me. I may post it at some point. There's not a lot on there so far, and it may seem a little superficial, but it's not easy to do, because I can fill it up with a lot more of what I liked about him. But I can turn those things into something positive--more reasons for me to not settle on someone who doesn't make me feel the way he did. And there's a guy that will make me feel EVEN MORE AMAZING. But he may have to suffer a little bit for a while. Because I'm playing hard to get from now on. Not acting so eager, like I need their attention. Nope, they have to earn my trust, my time, my love. I need to do something different. I'm not going to lie, it won't be easy. But jumping head first (which is what I always do), has only ended up with just giving me one huge headache in my heart. So, to protect myself, and to see what their intentions are, I've got to hold back. Make THEM want ME. So, the next time I come to this point, they'll decide to choose to continue on with me. And not leave me for once.

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