Saturday, January 07, 2006

Boredom is nothing short of what I've been feeling for the past few days. The kind where you have absolutely nothing to do, but sit around at home wondering what in the world you can do so you're not bored anymore. I've spent all day, once again, doing nothing. Nothing productive. This evening and afternoon I've been waiting for Ania to get back to me, but no luck on that. Surprise. So in the meantime, I've tried to figure out something to occupy my time. And what have I come up with? An idea for a project. Still trying to work out all the details of it, beginning some of it. Yet, it's not really what I want to be doing. What DO I want to be doing? Actually, I really don't know. Something besides what I am doing. It's so frustrating!

I was looking at some websites that I'd found a while ago for ideas of things to write about. One is a site where it gives you a prompt. What came up? "Name 3 reasons why you should get out of bed tomorrow." Ha! Right now, I don't even have one. Ok, so maybe one. To eat. And to work out. So now there's two. But sleeping sounds a whole lot better than staying awake right now. It'll probably be an early night, considering the lack of things to keep me awake.

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