Thursday, January 05, 2006

I'm saving it all for the morning after

I applied for graduation today. So weird. Turns out I graduate on the Friday night, not on Saturday morning. Yes! I can sleep in! And I start my internship on Monday. At 8:30am. That's not going to be a regular time, believe me. There's no way I'm getting up at 6:30am 4 days a week. I'll let it slide for the first day. Another break is about to come to an end. And what's to make of it? Not much. Not much at all. Once again, I wasted so much time doing nothing. I feel like lots of people went places, on trips, hung out with friends. Did everything that I didn't do but wanted to do. So what did I do? I was on my computer a lot. Really doing nothing but trying to find something to do, or get ideas for things. One thing that I will be able to say that I did by the end of tonight is that I read a book. Yep. A book. Pretty sad, huh. I could have easily read at least 2 or 3. But no, I find most of my time slips by at night while I'm here on my computer. It's the facebook addiction. Blah. I have nothing to write about. I come up with the best things to write about as I'm trying to fall asleep, and I always tell myself, that's a great topic, I'll write about it later. Apparently I forget. Maybe my life is just getting boring right now. I mean, afterall, I haven't been doing much, and my emotions haven't really been active lately. Not really sad, but not really happy. Just in that inbetween phase. Trying to definitely not think about someone. And it's going pretty well, too. Of course the little things remind me of him, especially what with is coming up in a few days. But no checking facebook for 10 days! Yes, 10 days! And I'm not lying because there's no reason to lie on here. I'm so proud of myself. And it's not like I have to force myself not to. I just simply don't care to, or feel like I have to. It's quite a relief. Wanting what I can't have is starting to become obsolete. It's about time.

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