Thursday, May 26, 2005

And I will be your safety

Lalalala...not much has been going on lately. I pretty much do nothing during the day. I know it's so exciting. But I'm getting really bored. I'm (well, my dad is) looking for job opportunities for me. I want to do something worthwhile--not just menial, tedious work. I want to do something with my time that will help me figure out what I want to do with my life, or at least provide some networking for me. But so far, nothing's come up. Today I went home and started going through some old stuff that my mom has saved of ours (mainly stuff we did in elementary school). It was fun looking through that stuff. It's another prject that I'm starting. I want to get to going through the attic and garage and getting rid of all the junk and stuff we don't need anymore. I'm getting really sick of all the clutter. It's time to let go. Yeah, try telling that to my mom...Anyways, things are going well with Chris. We went out on Tuesday night. I got a little wasted...what's new! I didn't see him at all yesterday. He worked all day. And I haven't seen him yet today because he was working again. But hopefully I'll get to see him tonight. I'm sure I will, because I know he's gotta miss me...the way that boy acts around me...And I actually want to see him, too! Which is good, considering how I've been feeling lately. I'm glad I actually miss him. I want to go out tonight--it's 80's night at Potbelly's, but Chris doesn't want to spend any money. It's $5 to get in...and he doesn't have to buy any drinks. It's just so much fun. We went last Thursday and had a blast. Maybe I'll be able to convince him to go because when he told me I sounded pretty sad. I guess I always sound not alright on the phone because he always asks me if everything's alright. Everything always is...I don't know, I guess that's just the way I sound on the phone. So we'll see. If not, it's not a big deal. But I definitely have to see him tonight. Lalalala...time to finish getting ready.

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