Sunday, May 29, 2005

Like love from a drunken sky

I admit it: I am actually listening to a country song. Yes, it's true. The girl who never listens to country ever. But I know I've heard this song somewhere before, and I liked it, and it didn't sound country at all. It's Tim McGraw's "She's my kind of rain." It's probably been out forever now, but I just recently discovered it, because like I said, I am not a country girl at all. But I like this song. It's really pretty. Ok, enough of that. Did nothing but sleep today. I know, how lame. I didn't exactly enjoy it--I felt guilty, like I should be doing something else--something productive. What that would be, who knows? But, I was kinda hungover and had a headache. I didn't come home from Chris's until 2pm. I ate and was awake for a little while, then around 4pm, I decided to take a little nap...which turned into 3 hours! Haven't done much since. I can't believe they're showing Titanic on NBC right now. I've got it on, but I'm not watching it anymore. I watched some of the middle parts--the most romantic scenes in my opinion. I haven't seen that movie in forever. I think the last time I watched it was when they played it on tv the last time, whenever that was. I want to do something outside tomorrow. I don't know if Chris is working. I hope he's not, so maybe we can do something. My mom was funny when she called me today. She asked me if he was working tomorrow, and I said I didn't know, because I don't. And then she whispers, "Are you still together?" I'm like, yeah...I asked her why she asked that and she said it was because I didn't know whether or not he was working tomorrow! Ok, first off, I don't have to know everything the boy is doing at every moment of the day. I just haven't asked him yet if he was working, and he hasn't mentioned it to me yet, either. It's not like he knows everything I'm doing, either. I mean, come's only been 2 weeks now...She's starting to annoy me with all of her questions. She's always asking what I did--wanting to know specifics...and I get annoyed because I don't feel the need to tell her. She doesn't need to know everything. If there's something I want her to know, I'll tell her. It's as simple as that. I mean, I understand that she wants to know what's going on in my life, and I appreciate the interest, but asking me where, what, who, when, why's irritating me! She even told me once that it's ok if I don't tell her some things, because she didn't tell her mother everything at my age, either. why is she doing this now? It's like ever since I told her something that I absolutely did not even have to inform her of, she wants to everything I do with Chris. And right now, did I mention, it's bugging me?!! I suppose it will wear off soon as she realizes I don't want to tell her everything. And I better know what that guy I'm dating is doing, otherwise, you can worry that it might be over...hahaha...

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