Tuesday, April 10, 2007

I can see us holding hands...

I don't care how tired I may feel today, it is beyond worth it! Wow...I don't think I've ever had a makeout session like that before. I've never felt like I did, nor had someone put so much passion and intensity into it. And hands didn't even wander to unwanted places! That was definitely nice, not having to worry about going further or feeling like I should. It also shows it wasn't simply about sex. Because if that's all that he wanted, well, he would've tried. And I don't feel like that's all he wants from me at some point in the future, either. It's so exciting...but also very scary! Exciting for the possibilities that this may hold. Scary for the way I'm already falling so fast and not wanting to get hurt--again. Right now, I don't feel too worried. But I'd definitely like to know where I stand and what he's about. I just know he didn't want to leave me last night :) And we could've kissed for hours and hours more, except we both knew I had to go to sleep. But it's our little joke--being tired the next day is worth it for having a good night. I definitely agree.

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