Thursday, April 05, 2007

You're not the person that I once knew

Don't fall. Don't fall. Don't fall. Oh, but it's so hard not to! Especially when you're still riding that high from a good night! I can't get my hopes up, no matter how much I want to. Good indicators of maybe something more, but you never can tell. I've felt that way about a lot of nights in the past, always feeling like "this guy is different." Well, maybe this time he is different from all the others. But I can't read into that much, otherwise I'll just be setting myself up for disappointment. I think I'd like him to be different, but I can't jump the gun. Got to keep going slow like we have. No obsessive drunk phone calls! Definitely a huge no-no! He doesn't seem to care too much about the age difference, at least I didn't get that vibe last night. And it's not because he was drunk, because he wasn't (he only had like 2 beers--he's a big guy so that does nothing to him!). And he literally got out of bed just to come hang out with me. That definitely has mean something. But trying not to let it go to my head...he did say something about being here this summer, and having to do with seeing him...hmmmm. The possibilities of what that may or may not mean. And he was the one who contacted me yesterday after a few days, and wanted to know what I was doing that night, and when I had plans asked me about the weekend (even though he's going out of town...not really sure why he asked that). He was the one who said we needed to hang out, and when he was about to not make it out, said we must next week. He obviously wanted to see me. That's not really looking into it too much, is it? But that's what girls do. We over-analyze everything when it comes to guys. Every little word, every little action/non-action. It's hard not to. And why guys always seem to be so oblivious, I have no idea. So now it's all about waiting and seeing what happens. Joy!

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