Thursday, April 12, 2007

You know what I want? I want someone who thinks I'm special. Who talks to me and sees me differently from every other girl he knows. Someone whose face lights up when he talks about me or hears my name. Someone who wants to spend time with me--but not all their time. I'm not trying to take them away from their friends or their life--I just merely want to enhance it. And, of course, their life would be much better with me in it, anyways. Someone who would break plans once in a while just because he knows I really want to see him, like I stupidly have done for guys who didn't deserve it in the past. Someone that I can trust, and finally lose this insecurity that he really doesn't like me or is going to leave. Someone who remembers the little things and calls just because he wants to hear my voice and know that I'm here. Someone that actually wants to be my boyfriend, and proves it through his actions. I know I'm dreaming, though. I don't know why it works out for some, and never for me. I really just need to know about Alex. What does he want? I can't do this too much longer. I'm already in too deep, or at least that's how I feel. I just can't take another disappointment. Does he like just me? Or is he just taking what he can get right now before something better comes along. I am not one of those girls, and I refuse to be that to someone.

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