Saturday, June 04, 2005

I found a kitty cat today! It is so cute! And so sweet! I found it wandering in my backyard and decided to go see it. It started crying like crazy and wouldn't come up to me at first, but then it did, and kept following me! It didn't have a collar and looks like it's been malnurished. I keep calling it an "it" because I'm not sure what the sex is--I think it might be a female, though. I spent all afternoon with it. I fed it some turkey first, and it just gobbled it up. Poor thing was absolutely starving! I didn't have any cat food, but I did have some of my dog's dog food here, so I fed it that...and it ate that like crazy too. I bought some real catfood tonight. It's been sleeping on my deck and doesn't appear to be leaving anytime soon. In fact, it's still out there. I want to bring it inside, but I'm not sure if I should. It might have a home, but it might not. I'm taking the fact that it hasn't left yet that it doesn't have a home. I think it's pretty young, although it is full-grown. So sweet and very talkative. My mom and sister are already joking with me and asking me what it's name is. If it's still around in the morning, we'll see....I saw a lightning bug for the first time in ages this evening when I was outside petting the cat! I got so excited because I haven't seen one in forever! I used to always try and catch them when I was younger. Everything is going good with Chris...not planning on breaking up with him anytime soon. Thursday when we went out, I don't know what it was, but he looked so incredibly hot! Something different that night...and I was sure glad I decided not to end things (because something sort of happened--I had a revelation, or so I thought--the previous night and was really thinking about things, but I felt differently in the morning). He's probably going to come to dinner with me tomorrow night at my parents' house and meet the family...big step, well, not really, since I'm so close to my family. I know my mom is dying to meet him! And he really wants to meet her because I've told him a lot about her (don't ask). Anyways, gotta go check on the kitty :)

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