Thursday, July 07, 2005

I get a notion by the look in your eyes

I had THE weirdest dream this morning (yes, this morning...I got up and went back to bed...I'm still sick you know) involving Adam. Weird. Creepy weird. I was hanging out at his place, where he had like 10 roommates, and they were pretty much all girls. I was on my way out of town??? And he wouldn't really pay very much attention to me. I think I kept trying to get his attention and didn't want to leave...I can pretty much interpret this dream. I haven't been thinking about it today, but for some reason, I remember an awful lot about it. Most dreams I forget the instant I wake up and by the end of the day I'm like, "what did I dream about? I know it was something really strange." So I'll try giving what I think it meant, even though I rarely even try to figure out what my dreams mean. It's too complicated. And you're supposed to write down your dream the minute you wake up so you have all the details. Yeah right. Pick up a pencil first thing and write...not happening. Well, I think the whole not paying attention to me needs no interpreting, really, because that's pretty much what reality is like. And I obviously want his attention (or wanted, but deep down...I can say I've moved on as much as I want, but does anyone ever really get over someone they really had feelings for?), but my efforts, no matter how hard I try, are pointless. And that's definitely true for the real world. I can wish and wish and wish, and try and try and try, but as long as he still feels what he says he feels, which is nothing, then there's nothing that I can do to change his mind. As for the whole weird house he lived in, I have no clue. For the tons of people who kept coming and going (and the 10 roommates?!), I think it may have been trying to express the fact that I feel like I'm just another girl in his life, no one special to him, which is why he treated me as he did. And I do remember feeling a little threatened by the female roommates in the dream...probably stands for my not wanting him to be with anyone else, that I can't stand the thought of him with another girl. It's the fact that he doesn't want you, but you want him. I don't think that I've wanted to see any of the guys that I've liked in the past with another girl. Who does? Especially when it didn't work out, but YOU wanted it to. I don't really know the meaning of the dream, and obviously never will. And who knows if I'm even close to what my subconscious mind was trying to tell me. But I gave it a shot, and it was interesting analyzing my thoughts. Not that I don't ever do that; I actually overanalyze WAY too much. Maybe I'll check out a book about dreams from the library. Or maybe not.

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