Friday, July 01, 2005

I know there's something in the wake of your smile

Guess who I heard from today--Adam! I'm serious!!! Yesterday I had sent him a message informing him that I had mono, so he could be on the lookout. I didn't expect to hear back--especially from him. I was even going to a one point write in here about how these 2 guys that I was involved with wouldn't even wish me well, showing what jerks I dated. But this evening when I checked facebook, there it was: a reply message from Adam. I was literally shocked. Here's what he wrote:
Hey, that really stinks that you have mono! I have never had it before. You must have been makin' out with some other boy :0 I hope you feel better and have a good 4th. Talk to you later. adam
That was really nice of him to write back. It really cheered me up and made me feel good. I know there's no future for us, but just the fact that he did that really impressed me. So now he's slightly less of a jerk. And his nice side showed for once--a side I haven't seen of him in a very long time. I highly doubt that I will hear back from Chris. Whatever. He's the bigger jerk out of them both. So I've felt a little better today--at least, better than yesterday. But I've been in bed all day watching tv and sleeping pretty much. I went home for dinner. I'm feeling ok at the moment, except for feeling nauseus (sp?). It's so weird...I don't know what's causing it. Is is the mono? Or it could be my birth control pills. However, I've been on those for over a month now, and I don't know why it would suddenly start making me feel sick. I'm starting to feel depressed. I haven't felt this way in a long time. Sure, I've been sad and upset, but that was over boys, and it was totally different. I'm not feeling too great about myself--mainly about my body. I feel so blah and gross and inactive and out of shape. I'm so used to working out all the time, and ever since I came down with mono (before I knew what I had), my workouts had declined. So I began to feel this way a couple of weeks ago. I want to run so bad. But I can't because I might rupture my spleen. Plus, I don't exactly have the energy. My body image isn't so hot right now. I really hope I get over this soon, because I really want to get back to my normal level of fitness and feel good about myself.

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