Friday, July 08, 2005

Or one more lie could be the worst

WHO THE HELL DOES HE THINK HE IS???? AND WHAT THE HELL DID HE EXPECT???? I CANNOT BELIEVE HE CALLED ME---AT 2AM---TWICE. First, I wake up at 2:10am to my phone ringing...and see that it's him calling. HIM. AND HOW LONG HAS IT BEEN??? I don't answer. For one thing, I don't feel like talking. At 2 am. TO HIM especially. He leaves a message saying it's hey, that's it's him, hopes I feel better...long pause...sorry to hear it, unsure voice, says bye. My reaction: literally NOTHING BUT SHOCK. And not much else...not long lost feelings washing up or surfacing. I just wondered why? Then I get another call. I decide to answer it, but not until after it rings a while. And what does he flat out say to me? DID YOU FUCKING CALL ME A LITTLE WHILE AGO???? NO HE DID NOT JUST SAY THAT TO ME. He does not wake me up at 2 o clock in the morning and say that--THAT WAY--to me. I immediately take offense and tell him no, and he's like, are you sure, and I say yeah I am and, and he's like, and what, and I say and nothing...He asks why I sound so depressed and I said I don't that it's 2 am in the morning and I'm sick and have been asleep for a couple hours (how am I supposed to sound???). I say don't call me and start accusing me of this...he gets mad and is like accusing you of what, I repeated what he said to me, and he's like yeah did you fucking call me, I asked if he was drunk and he said he had been drinking a little (ha--more like way too much). I forget what else was said and that was it. I WAS ON THE BRINK OF TEARS. No, he did not just call me, after all this time, and say that to me. Or so I thought. At 2:30 I get another phone call from him (oh, he said he missed me again in the last call) saying that he's sorry, I'm like sorry for what, he says for hurting me, that he really misses me and wants to see me, blah blah blah. Just a bunch of crap. Some things were said, don't remember what. Goodbye. Then he calls back while I'm now fully wired and pissed off. Just got off the phone with Kathryn. It was good to vent to another person--and by random chance she turned her phone on to get my message! Thanks for listening! The details are seriously getting fuzzy on me at the moment...maybe because it's so late and I need to get back to sleep. Everything will be clear in the morning and I'll write all about it. Because boy do I have some things to say!!

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