Friday, August 26, 2005

I've gotta shake it off...

It's SOOOOO frustrating waiting for someone to call you back. Skip sent me a text message around noon today asking: "ANY PLANS FOR TONIGHT??" I was so happy to see that...I sent him one back saying: "Nope wanna do something." I'm not really good at text messaging, since I don't think my plan really allows for it, and I think my message I sent can be interpreted in 2 ways. One is that I'm asking him to if he wants to do something, and I just forgot (or actually, I really didn't know how to put it in there) the question mark. Or, you can interpret it as saying that I'm not doing anything, but I want to do something. I'm not exactly sure which I meant myself! Either is fine with me. However, I have not heard back from him all day. And I called him around 8:30pm just because. Clearly, he wants (or wanted) to do something, because you don't just ask someone (much less text them) asking if they have plans that night. Hopefully he's just been at work all day and hasn't had a chance to call me back. That could explain why he sent that message so early in the day, so I wouldn't make any plans since he wouldn't be able to get in touch with me. But it just bugs the crap out of me that I got his stupid voicemail AGAIN. And believe me, I waited, and waited, and waited to call him, not wanting this to happen. But of course, it did. It is only 9pm, but I'm the kind of person who likes to know what they're doing way in advance. I like plans. Sure spontenaity is fun sometimes, but not when it comes to this. Not with guys. CALL ME BACK ALREADY!!! Maybe he has to close, if he's at work. He might be working all day so he doesn't have to work this weekend. But he better fucking call me soon because I'm all ready to go out now (minus the clothes). I've taken a shower and done my makeup and hair. That was probably pretty stupid of me, considering he most likely won't end up calling me back and I'll have wasted another night sitting at home WAITING. And I really don't want to do that. I guess I can always call Blake and see what he's up to, since he did ask me today when he called to let him know what I was was doing, since I told him I might be doing something with Skip. AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!! I'm going to go take a nap, since there's absolutely nothing else for me to do. But wait, unfortunately.

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