Tuesday, August 30, 2005

it's a lie, a kiss with open eyes

Can Gilmore Girls be any closer to the story of my life this year? Rory and Logan=me and Skip right now (before they became a couple). Me crying over him? Check. Just casually dating (meaning all we do is go out and then hook up)? Check. I missed the Founder's Day Punch episode last week. It's one of my favorites because everything they discuss is SO TRUE to what I've been through before, and am currently experiencing. Especially the end, where Rory's wasted and crying over why Logan doesn't like her. Been there, definitely done that. I know, I know, I've talked about this before. But I just can't help but see how many parallels there are! It really was the best season yet. I'm such a dork, going about about a tv show...still no word from Ania. If she's mad about me still about Saturday night, well then that's really ridiculous. I hope she's just busy with sorority stuff, because I do remember that the first week is pretty crazy. But still, she could have at least responded to my IM or email me or something just to say hi. I really hope that she doesn't ditch me now that she's in a sorority. I knew it'd change things some, but I feel like she's starting on a path of leaving me behind. I want to see that movie "Just like Heaven." It looks cute. She's back from being away now...let's see if she'll talk to me...I'm not IM'ing her. Yay, and she did, but after I responded to her away message...we're good, no problems!

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