Thursday, March 24, 2005

I'm so caught up, I don't know what it is

Last night was so crazy. And amazingly fun. Once again, did not plan on drinking as much as I ended up having, but it's all good. I was definitely drunk, but not wasted. And I so danced and made out with the cutest guy!!! I met him before I started drinking, so no doubts about it. Plus, I've got a picture this time (I'm kinda scared to look at them right now, though!) I went over to my friend's place (she has her own room in Southgate--she's a freshman, but I don't care) to get ready, and then we went up to some guy's room where they were pre-partying. I felt so old. They were all freshmen. And in the Jewish fraternity. But boy, some of them were so cute! That's where I met Andrew (the guy I was with ALL night). Right away I was like, so cute! But, had to remind myself he was a freshman...not that it ended up mattering, and I actually don't care too much. It's only 2 years younger, not a big difference. I think I'd rather have younger than older at this point because of the level of (in)experience I have. Anyways, we got a ride to the club, and Andrew was one of the guys in the car. I was feeling a little buzzed at this point because I'd had a drink and a shot. I don't remember exactly how it happened, but I know he wanted to dance, and so my friend and I went out on the dance floor with him...and somehow I just kinda claimed him, and him me. I wouldn't have had any more to drink had it not been for dancing, because I wasn't feeling it was much more fun with a little alcohol (all of a sudden I feel like all I'm talking about is ironic from the girl who would never touch the stuff and looked down upon underage drinking--not that I'm underage anymore). So we danced. And danced. And danced some more. He wasn't that great of a dancer, but I showed him how, guided him...not that I'm an expert at that kind of dancing or anything (because I haven't really danced like that much at all) but, all my dance training came in handy. At some point, we just kissed...and kissed....and kissed some more!!! We were so majorly making out by the end of the night--on the dance floor, in front of everyone. Yes, I was. I can't believe it, but it's true. And then in the car on the way home (in a full car!) I definitely wanted to kiss him, but the feeling was also aided in part by the alcohol. Ok, so I'm running short on time now...let's just say that I absolutely LOVED the feeling I had last night--him kissing me and, most of all, just him holding me tight and holding my hand...he did ask for my number, but who knows...if nothing happens, that's fine by me because I'll just find somebody else next time! I didn't make it home last way was I in any condition to drive, so I stayed at my friend's. Let's see how long I make it on 4 hours of sleep...I can't miss my first 2 classes, but I don't think I'll go to my third today. Anyways, last night was so much fun. I'm supposed to go out tonight with Blake, but I think I'll hold off on that one until tomorrow night...gotta ease my way into it. And yes, closure, Meghan, is definitely what I have now, and it feels so good.

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