Tuesday, March 08, 2005

I'm telling myself but it's not sinking in

It's really windy out today. And cooler. So much for the warm weather. Last night was the first time I've heard thunder in a while. I like listening to the thunder and rain, especially at night...except when the thunder and lightning is really severe. When the thunder is really loud, that's when it scares me. Ever since we had that tree in our yard struck by lightning a few summers ago, I've been paranoid about lightning strikes. I also hate it when it gets really windy and it rains really hard, because then I start to worry about tornadoes....I've been thinking a lot lately about things that I want to do. I'll see something and it'll remind me of something from my past and I'll be like, I really want to do that. A lot of it seems to be childish-type stuff...it reminds me of when I was younger and all I had to do was worry about what to play next. I miss those days. But, then again, I like being older. I just wish we didn't want to grow up so fast. That we'd savor being a kid longer. That's what I feel so sad for about this new generation...they (especially girls) feel like they have to grow up so fast--wearing makeup and clothes that are way too old for them. I'm glad that it was never like that for us. I'm glad that I had a good childhood. One that I sometimes wish I could get back. Anyways, here are some of the things that I'd like to do (some of them I really wish I had a guy to do them with):
-draw with sidewalk chalk
-play on a playground
-go tubing down a river
-have a water balloon fight
-play on a slip 'n slide
-blow bubbles
-walk along the beach under a full moon (with a guy)--it's absolutely breathtaking
-go bowling
-watch old movies from when we were kids
-go to Orlando to visit Anne
That's all that I can think of for now...I'll keep adding on as I think of things. But yeah...most are stupid little kids stuff...but it can be so much fun to do them at our age. Just acting all silly...that's the best kind of fun that there is.

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